I Have learned that holistic vets recommend Turkey Tail Mushroom Supplement to help increase survival length in dogs with hemangiosarcoma cancer. How Our Dog Zoe Lived With CancerCancer is the leading natural cause of death in dogs and second leading cause in cats. Around 50% of all dogs and 30% of cats will get a tumor in their life time, and 50% of dogs over age of 10 will die from cancer. You may say the same thing we did, “why”? It can be many things, environment, commercial dog food, tap water or genetic in breeding. Environment can be second hand smoke, weed killer or fertilizer on lawns, just walking your dog on a busy street or a parking garage can be a factor. For a little bit, just put your self at your dogs height, all the exhaust from vehicle is right at their nose level. The if you live in a warm climate and you have a exterminator come in on a regular basis, all the spray is right at their nose once more. Also genetics play a role and some breeds are more prone to cancer. When your dog has cancer You would like to know all of your options, as we did with Zoe. We had no idea she had a tumor growing in her spleen until it ruptured. The rupture happened on a Friday night, we took her in to the vet’s office when they opened on Saturday morning. A ultrasound was done and we saw it first hand, Zoe had a large splenic mass that had ruptured. Our option was surgery, she may not make it and if she did, survival time was approximately 19 days - 172 day’s (approximately 6 months). We would have to think about everything and nothing was going to happen until Monday anyways. Our vet did take blood to make sure all was OK other then the tumor, they would call us on Sunday with the results of the blood work. Our vet also wanted to give us a herb to help with the internal bleeding, she came back in the room and said “they didn’t have any on hand”, and they could only get it on line! She did mention the name of the herb Yunnan Baiyao-Wikipedia. We were sent home, and on our way out she told us to feed a low carb diet, cancer feeds off the carbs. We took our girl home She was not doing good and refused to eat, before the tumor rupturing she loved to eat. I had to do something, I looked on line and found the herb Yunnan Baiyao capsules and ordered them and had them sent priority (2-3days). The call came Sunday the blood work looked good, so she could have surgery. I had to tell them she was not eating, in fact she had not eaten in all most two day’s, they said then the surgery was out. I had to come up with something that she would eat and quick! If she was to live, she needed to eat and that herb had to work to stop the bleeding. It came to me in bed on Sunday night, what to try feeding her. I had used this diet for one of our older dogs, some time back. It worked, she started eating a little on Monday morning. That morning her vet called to see how she was doing. I said she was eating a very small amount and that I had ordered the herb, I just hoped she lived long enough to take it. I was told how much to give her when it came. The herb came She still was not eating much so I had to put the capsules down her. Zoe’s vet did agree surgery was not an option, but people had good results with just the herb. She was to take it easy, if the mass started bleeding to give her the little red emergency pill that came with the herb. Zoe did start eating more and more over the months, so I developed a recipe just for her that was low carb and would help her fight the ugly mass growing in her. We did move from the capsules to putting the herb powder on her food. Because of this herb and diet Zoe was able to enjoy 9 months more and saw her 13th birthday. She lived life to the fullest! The day we dreaded came Zoe did live a pain free 9 months until the tumor burst and this time we had to let her go. Zoe would have wanted every one to know all of the options, a lot of vets don’t know of this herb. If your dog is very much apart of your family like our pets are and we would do anything for a family member, with cancer. This is just one more option, please check it out! Zoe’s diet This recipe was developed for a dog with cancer, but will work for picky eaters or sick dogs. Zoe inspired me to create this recipe, now we hope it helps your dog stay apart of your family a little longer. Zoe was eating my Healthy Dog Recipe, then after her diagnosis of a splenic mass that had ruptured, she was slowly bleeding to death and refused to eat. Yunnan Baiyao
I have Yunnan Baiyao on hand in my emergency kit, it’s good for 5 years. It’s also good for any internal bleeding or external wounds. But due to labeling issues, the U.S. FDA has banned importation into the U.S. of all Yunnan Baiyao products. As soon as a U.S. Distributor makes Yunnan Baiyao products available in approved packaging, place will resume selling. Yunnan Baiyao has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you consult with a Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner, physician, or veterinarian before using this product or if you have any questions regarding your health or the health of your pet.
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January 2022
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