Everything Happens For A Reason As you all know we lost our Alley cat to cancer in September then Zoe lost her battle with cancer in October. We saw that Jadeite needed a forever home and not many had even looked at her. From the time I met her and she jumped into my lap and kissed me all over, I fell in love with her as did all of us. The whole 10 pounds of her filled our hearts with LOVE! We knew in our hearts we would adopt another dog. As for a cat, I said no more cat’s, my husband did not say much. I did say to him “if one magically appears on our door step and wanted to live here then that would be OK.” Knowing we have only seen, maybe 3 or 4 cat’s in the 20 years around our place. The last one I saw was the day after Alley passed, that was the one and only time I saw that cat. So it was never going to happen that a cat would, just magically appear. We all still miss Alley and Zoe, we each have our moments when we still miss them. Just last week Spangler was missing Alley. She was standing looking into the dark room that was Alley’s room/sewing room. I walked over and opened the gate and let her sniff in every corner, I tried to tell her Alley was gone. She seemed to understand and left the room. That night was nasty outside, rain and wind, I had to beg the dogs just to go out before bed to potty, then we headed off to bed. As we slept the wind howled and the rain hit the windows all night. In the morning the rain had stopped but that wind was relentless, I still had to get ready for work and the dogs had to go out to potty. Each morning I go outside and stand on the deck and when I did, I could her something. Was it the wind? Was it my imagination, did I miss Alley like Spangler the night before? I tried to tune in where the noise was coming from, it was definitely a cat crying! Was it under the deck, just then I saw the dogs under Spangler’s apple tree, jumping at the base. I walked out and looked in the tree, it was a kitten! I ran in and woke my husband up and said your not going to believe this, a kitten is stuck in the apple tree! He got dressed and mind you it’s 3:00am, dark and windy as all get out. He got the poor kitten down, we pulled out a big crate and added Alley’s littler box, a warm towel and a bowl of water. Poor thing was wet, cold and starving. We checked the computer for any lost kitty’s, just then the lights went off and on 2 or 3 times and we never did find anyone that had lost a small kitten. I went to work and hubby headed off to the store when they opened and picked up some food. She’s eating and has a full tummy and is purring all the time. Right now she’s in a crate in our living room getting used to the dogs and they are checking her out. She loves to be held, I do believe the cat I saw the day after Alley passed was her mother. The cat was a tiger striped maine coon. Our little girl is a calico maine coon. Then I thought back to the night before, Spangler wanted into Alley’s old room, I bet this kitten was next to the house, by that room, and Spangler could hear her crying. It don’t matter if you believe in God or miracles she has made our family whole once more. We are so blessed to have them all in our life, we named our new kitten Windy! Share this story with your friends if you believe.
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